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Instantaneous Hot Water Maintenance

Instantaneous hot water systems are always a big concern to consumers as nobody likes to have a cold shower, even in summer! At Bayside Gas Service we know there are many factors that constitute

Bosch, Rinnai, Rheem

towards a lack of the vital stuff, including - gas regulator failing, unit breaking down, running out of gas, electric components failing, (gas and electric) tempering valves jamming, etc.

Most hot water systems need servicing every 3 - 5 years regardless if they are operating correctly, or have been delivering the right water temperature consistently.

The longer they have been left to do their own thing, the harder it is for the serviceman to dismantle and repair the system as many components (due to the nature of the environment they operate in) fuse together, making it impossible to repair.

A replacement is often the only option as it is not viable, or economical to repair the in situ unit if it has become corroded, or components have deteriorated.

Bosch, Rinnai, Rheem, and more, all have fantastic units capable of delivering the hot water needs you wish, if you have a instantaneous unit already installed.

Many factors still come into the equation, including the length of the run to different taps, flick mixers in bathrooms, (showers), shower heads with water restrictors, and the pipe sizing in your home. (especially relevant to homes older than 10 years).

You will only get a 50 degree compliant system installed in your home because of the Queensland Government regulations, and this has become a moot point as it is very difficult to remove oil and fat from your washing up.

For any enquires or questions please phone us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions!

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